It's a month before I leave for Australia, so I figured I should learn how to blog.
For those who don't know, I'm Dan Juola, and I'm moving to Australia. I will be chronicling the experience here. The name of this blog is a play on a common mispronunciation of my last name. It's pronounced like "jew-oh-luh", but I so commonly get the pronunciation "jew-ah-luh" that I don't even correct people anymore. Furthermore, it's Finnish, a language that I don't even speak, so who cares. Point is, when said quickly, it sounds kinda like "jew-walla", hence ju-wallowing. (hooray for explanations!)
Right now is a stressful time. The ticket from Las Angeles (did I spell that right? it doesn't look right...) to Melbourne is booked for February 20th. I still haven't looked into where I can live temporarily once I land, and I'm deciding what I can and cannot bring with me. Lots to do.
The picture is of me at a donut shop right after I got some free donuts. They have delicious donuts and coffee with free refills.
Lastly, I ate a McRib today. I'd never had one before and I figured I should do something exceedingly American before I leave.
Dude this is such a cool photo with the light streaming in from the side!